Thursday, February 8, 2018

Chapter 25: Happy Ten Months!

Happy 10 months to our little peanut!  We cannot believe Alex is already 10 months old. In just two short months he will be one! Hard to believe all that has happened in the last 10 months.

Over the last month Alex has been busy. He now weighs 14lb 12.5 ounces and is 26.25 inches. He continues to army crawl and can move pretty fast. He is getting into everything he’s not supposed to. He is just starting to sometimes pull to a standing position but isn't quite there yet. He is very vocal making a lot of different sounds and even waving hi and bye. He loves his food and will generally eat anything you put in his mouth. His new favorites are bananas and chicken.

He had a cardiac developmental follow up last month and they felt that he was behind in his gross motor skills. He just had his early intervention evaluation this week and he does qualify for physical therapy. They will start going out to his daycare in the next few weeks to help him with his core and get him moving. Mommy and Daddy aren't quite sure how happy they are about that :)

We were able to attend the Children’s Heart Foundation Sweet Hearts Ball last weekend. It was great to meet other heart parents and raise money for a great cause. Dr. Spray, Alex’s surgeon, was being honored and given the lifetime achievement award. It was so nice to shake his hand and thank him in person. No words will ever express the gratitude we have for him giving Alex the gift of life.

He had another cardiac catheterization procedure 2 weeks ago, as you can see in the other posts. They had to place another stent due to continued narrowing of the left pulmonary artery. He tolerated the procedure well and was back to himself quickly.

This month is also very important because it is heart month! We hope to continue to spread awareness about congenital heart disease and raise money for more research so that hopefully one day no parent will have to hear “there’s something wrong with your baby’s heart”.


Bobby, Erica, Ben and Alex

Heart Warrior!

I Rock a Mended Heart

love them together!

Mmm carrots!

Ben driving Alex in his car

Sitting in the car

Happy Birthday to Ben!

Fun with ice!

Trying an orange

We are in trouble

Let's Go Team USA! (Especially our fellow heart warrior Shawn White!)

The amazing Dr. Spray at the CHF Sweet Hearts Ball