Sunday, June 17, 2018

Chapter 28: A lot of updates!

It feels like it has been more than 2 months since we last updated. Alex is doing well. He is now 17lb 15oz which puts him right at the 1st percentile! Wahoo!!! He's only 27.2 inches which is still well below the curve. So he may not be tall, but he's finally gaining weight!

He has had some more ear infections, a total of 6, so we are off to the ENT in a little over a week to see if he needs tubes. We had a follow up with his cardiologist yesterday. He finally cooperated for an echo...for now we just need to feed him his favorite food, rolls! There is definitely less flow through the left pulmonary artery which has 2 stents in it. Otherwise things are fairly stable with his heart. His cardiologist will be checking in with the doctor who does his caths to see about next steps. We will probably be headed back to the cath lab sometime in the next 2 months.

Alex continues to get physical therapy weekly at daycare and is doing really well. He is taking more and more steps every day. He will move up to the next room at daycare at the end of this month.

We have had some fun heart events in the last few months. In May we went to the first annual cardiac family fun day and the Mended Little Hearts annual picnic where we got to see some of our heart friends! Just last weekend we participated in the Congenital Heart Walk at the Philly Zoo! Our team raised $1000. We had a great time!

We are looking forward to some beach and family trips this summer! Enjoy the pictures below. We will keep everyone updated with the plan once we find out more details!

Bobby, Erica, Ben and Alex


Playing the drums with Ben and Daddy

Team Alexander at the Congenital Heart Walk 
Who needs toys?