Monday, January 11, 2021

Chapter 40: Oh the Places We Will Go: Cath Lab Edition #5

Alex did very well today. He didn't complain once about not being able to eat this morning. He also allowed the nurses to do all of his vitals without any complaints! He did not want to take the "giggle juice" medicine to help make him feel sleepy and the little bit he did take ended up coming back up. He wasn't as sleepy as he normally is when heading back, but he still laid calmly when they wheeled him back and we said our goodbyes without any tears. 

Everything went well in the cath lab. Dr. Rome was disappointed because his left pulmonary artery didn't grow as much as he would have hoped. It was quite narrow in one part so he ballooned it open and then placed a stent that will be able to grow with Alex. The hope was that this would prevent frequent caths although it looks like we will still need to follow it pretty closely for the near future. When they were extubating him he did have some bleeding from the breathing tube and his chest X-ray looked hazy on one side so for a few minutes they thought he would need to recover in the ICU. However, the bleeding stopped very quickly and his chest X-ray improved a little so they felt comfortable keeping him in the recovery unit. 

For the first time ever he stayed drowsy and mostly sleeping for his entire 4 hour flat time! He did have times where he woke up and was a bit agitated, but they gave him a little more medicine and he was able to stay relaxed the whole time. He has been doing well since he woke up. He was able to watch Frozen and have some snacks, do a puzzle, color, read books and even play a card game! 

They repeated his chest X-ray this afternoon and things look stable. The plan is to perform a lung perfusion scan in the morning before discharge. This will allow us to see where the blood flow in the pulmonary arteries is at now; that way in the future we will be able to do another scan to compare. 

Hopefully we have a restful night and can leave before lunch time tomorrow. Enjoy some pictures below from today. 

Bobby, Erica, Ben and Alex

Loving his new pillowcase!

Waiting to go back for his cath

Watching Frozen

Yummy Dinner

Puzzle time!
