Thursday, April 20, 2017

Chapter 10: Home Sweet Home

We are home!!! Alexander was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday evening. He has the NG tube in to help him eat and grow, but he is otherwise doing very well. We are so happy to be home and have time together as a family of four before Bobby returns to work next week. We would like to extend our overwhelming thanks to CHOP for the care that was given to our peanut. It is definitely a special place, full of very special people.While everyone at CHOP was wonderful, it is so nice to be able to snuggle Alex whenever we want.   Ben is already being a great big brother and great helper for Mommy and Daddy. Enjoy the pictures!

Thanks for taking care of us so well CCU!
Power Rangers washing windows at CHOP
Attempting to pass our car seat test...We Passed!

All ready to roll

Saying our goodbyes

Thank you with all our hearts to the CICU at CHOP for taking care of our little peanut!

Alex's first car ride
I'm Home!

Checking out my new rock and play

He's so cute when he sleeps :)

Checking out my new boppy

Snuggle times!

Daddy and his little peanut

My binky is super big!

Daddy and his boys!

Brotherly Love

The shirt says it all 

First time holding

One proud big brother

Can't stop smiling at his little brother

Already playing together

Say cheese, while eating cheese lol

This is how we all feel after the past couple of days lol

Monday, April 17, 2017

Chapter 9: Our Journey to the CCU

Happy Easter! Alexander has been doing great. We moved from the CICU to the CCU Saturday. The CCU is a step down unit and great news that things are getting better and one step closer to going home! Our main issue now is feeding. Alex prefers sleeping over eating most of the time. Maybe his big brother can teach him some things about eating! He will be getting a circumcision today and a few follow up tests. If things don't pick up with his feeds we may have to go home with a NG tube which goes from his nose to stomach to make sure he's getting enough calories. Mommy and Daddy are really hoping to lose that accessory before going home. Thanks so much for the continued thoughts and prayers for our little peanut.

Our little gnome

Brotherly Love

Chicks dig scars!

A king size bed just for me!

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Chapter 8: Our Journey to the OR

Alexander did great in surgery today. They were able to do a full repair. Dr. Spray used a patch to connect the pulmonary artery to the lungs which is the best possible option at this point given his age and size. He also patched the hole between the two sides of the heart. He tolerated the anesthesia well and was able to get the breathing tube out shortly after he got back to the CICU. We haven't really been able to see him much today and won't be able to hold him for another day or so but hopefully his recovery continues to go well. The next 12-24 hours are important and hopefully he behaves! We don't have quite as many pictures but enjoy!

I like to call this look, BLUE STEEL lol

Just chilling in the middle of the night

Thank you for the awesome sign night nurses!