Our little peanut has arrived! Alexander Steven was born at 2:51 pm today. He weighs 4lbs 2oz and is 16.5 inches long. He is doing very well and breathing on his own. The echo, he was given after birth, has shown what was expected. No surprises. We will hopefully learn more about the plan over the next couple of days. Alexander is already stealing the hearts of the nurses and doctors. We were able to hold him and Erica was even able to try to breastfeed! Stay tuned for updates over the next couple of weeks. Enjoy the pictures below!
He is so beautiful I am sure he is all of the staff is in love with him. I LOVE the pic with him covering both ears, and all of the pictures of his adorable little face. Mom and Dad are looking good too! Congrats to all. You are still on our bible study groups prayer list as well as mine. God Bless you all.
Thanks Debbie! We are in love!