Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Chapter 4: March Madness

Alexander sure does keep us on our toes. Just as quickly as we were going to weekly appointments, we are right back to twice a week because of the blood flow in the umbilical arteries. The doctors are hopeful he will make it to full term, but like with anything in life there are no guarantees. Like the doctor said at our appointment this week, Alexander will determine his birthday. We just hope he continues to grow and get stronger before he is born.  While he is still tiny, he continues to grow, now at 34 weeks he's almost 4lbs! He's already so much like his big brother and will probably come out with his feet in his mouth since he's still breech. The photos below are from a surprise shower at Erica's office. A big thank you to all of the staff for the wonderful surprise. Bobby especially loved the Alexander Hamilton theme!

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. 


Bobby, Erica, and Ben

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying for baby Alexander's health every day. May God keep him safe and growing. Much love and blessings
