Happy 12 months to our little peanut! How are you ONE already??? This last year has both flown and dragged by at the same time. We have learned so much in the last year, but most importantly how blessed we truly are and how precious life really is. We were so excited, but also so scared to meet you at this time last year. From the time we found out about your heart defect, at your 20 week anatomy scan, we were repeatedly told “we will have to wait until after he is born” when we asked about a plan. The unknown was probably the hardest part for us. So when the time came to meet you we didn't know what to expect and we didn't know how we were going to make it through all of the challenges in store for us. But we made it a whole year! We know we still have many more obstacles to overcome, but for now we just want to cherish every moment with you. We want to thank everyone who has supported us through this journey! We appreciate all of the words of encouragement, prayers and donations to the organizations that are near and dear to our hearts. This has been one amazing and adventurous year and we can't wait to celebrate many more!
Alex is now 15lb 13oz! He has come a long way from 4lb 2oz when he was born. He is pulling up to a standing position and even cruising a little, getting into everything he's not supposed to have. He is still getting physical therapy. Although between the snow and his different illnesses, he’s only had 3 sessions. He recently recovered from a stomach virus and then just this week developed a double ear infection. Fingers crossed the spring weather brings along a few illness free months. He continues to eat well, eating just about anything you give him. He loves his proteins and veggies! We hope this continues as he gets older! At his most recent cardiology visit he did not cooperate for his echo so
we are still trying to get back to repeat that, but it has been
difficult with this weather and his illnesses. Hopefully we can get that
done next week and have a plan in place for the next few months. We
know another cath is likely in the near future.
This month was a jam packed with fun. Team Alexander participated in the second annual Philly Spin In. We were able to raise $2400 to donate to CHOP’s cardiac center. We had a great time and are excited to make it an annual tradition!We had a very nice Easter with Bobby's family this year. We were happy to be home and not in the hospital! The boys had fun painting eggs and then going on an egg hunt. The Easter bunny left lots of goodies for both of them. As part of Alexander's birthday, we bought toys, games and arts/crafts to donate to CHOP's cardiac center. We also brought the SDU, CICU and CCU some treats today! We can't thank them enough for everything they did and will do for Alex.
Keep those positive thoughts and prayers coming! We are looking forward to celebrating Alex this weekend!!! Enjoy the pictures.
Bobby, Erica, Ben and Alex
First time out in the snow for a quick picture! |
Happy St. Patrick's Day! |
Go Team Alexander! |
Mmm eggs! |
Hanging out at mommy's office |
They love to play together...most of the time! |
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