Friday, November 9, 2018

Chapter 31: Some updates and lots of pictures for fun!

It has been awhile since our last post. Sorry for the delay. There hasn't been a whole lot to update and things have been going well thankfully.

We had Alex's cardiac kids development follow up in September. He finally reached 20 pounds! He was evaluated for about 1.5 hours checking in on all areas of development and we are happy to say he passed with flying colors. He graduated from his physical therapy several months ago. We had been watching his speech/language development which has continued to improve. The doctor was quite impressed with how he is doing and said he was above average in some areas. We don't have to go back for one whole year!

We also had a follow up with Alex's cardiologist last month. The echocardiogram showed things were stable, the left pulmonary artery is open and they can see blood flow through it. We have to go back sometime next month to get another echo and then come up with a plan for further testing or catheter procedure.

Alex is doing well. We had a great rest of the summer and are enjoying fall. We moved in to our new house at the beginning of September so things have been a little crazy! We were able to go apple picking, pumpkin picking and our annual trip to the Philly Zoo for Boo at the Zoo! The boys had a great Halloween, first time trick or treating in our new neighborhood.

We are looking forward to the upcoming holidays and spending time with our family and friends. Please enjoy all the pictures below!

Bobby, Erica, Ben and Alex

New house!

This boy loves food!

And dressing up!

First haircut


Copying Daddy

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